Castria were appointed as lead consultants for the design of remedial works and rehabilitation of 800 metres of dock walls and inner basin (classed as Scheduled Ancient Monuments) at the Royal William Yard, Plymouth.  Duties included Project Management, liaison with statutory bodies, design and specification, works monitoring and feasibility studies.

A costed concept and economic study for a proposed marina in the basin and visitor attraction with Clipper type tall ships and Oberun class submarine was prepared as part of assessing both the harbour’s potential and market justification.

Substantial consultation and presentation to English Heritage, the Environment Agency, Local and County Authorities and funding agencies as required. Numerous expert reports were prepared to meet the individual requirements of the various parties involved with the regeneration of the harbour.

Historic research and material sampling combined with trials was necessary to specify sympathetic remedial works.

Site investigations included seabed coring, diving inspections, bathymetric surveys and contamination analysis of seabed silts and muds.


    Plymouth | Devon


    Project Management
    Liaison with statutory bodies
    Design and specification
    Works monitoring