Work included concept studies, Design Statements, Coordination of an Environmental Impact Assessment and drafting Planning Applications and Risk Assessment. Liaison and consultation with Authorities and other users (International Ferry operators and leisure users, for example). Design development. Advice on procurement strategy and economics of the harbour.

Site investigations included: bathymetric survey; multi-beam sonar survey; seabed coring from a jack-up rig; and wave data collection for modelling and analysis. Underwater Archaeology was an important feature.

The area was considered highly sensitive environmentally and substantial consultation and presentation to English Nature and the Environment Agency was required. Development on the shore of the Harbour was subject to close consultation and presentation on ship movements, usage and risk containment of theoretical blast zone. A large area of dredging required a “Disposal Licence” for arisings to designated areas to the south of the Isle of Wight.


    Portsmouth | Hampshire


    Design Statement
    Environmental Impact Assessment
    Planning Application
    Risk Assessment